
Looking for a little more context or background on my product recommendations or baby and toddler guides? Find it here.

Guide to a Non-junky Easter Basket
Caroline Lengyel Caroline Lengyel

Guide to a Non-junky Easter Basket

Filling kids’ Easter Baskets can be daunting, but this checklist is a great start to minimalist, thoughtful baskets you can recreate each year.

2-3 minute read

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Miss E’s birth story
Caroline Lengyel Caroline Lengyel

Miss E’s birth story

Our second daughter arrived in a very swift and dramatic unmedicated birth. Read on to hear how labor progressed for us and our second experience with a natural hospital birth.

6-8 minute read

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Organic food - does it really matter?
Caroline Lengyel Caroline Lengyel

Organic food - does it really matter?

Organic food is expensive. Is it worth the extra cost? I’ll examine why it may be worth spending the extra money on organic, what the organic label actually means, and how to save money while still buying organic.

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5 rules for natural product swaps
Caroline Lengyel Caroline Lengyel

5 rules for natural product swaps

Evaluating natural product swaps can be overwhelming. My practical methodology uses 5 simple steps to select non-toxic alternatives for our family.

3-5 minute read

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Infant routines: helpful or harmful?
Caroline Lengyel Caroline Lengyel

Infant routines: helpful or harmful?

Few parenting topics are as polarizing as infant routines and schedules. So what’s the truth? Are schedules helpful or harmful, and what evidence do we have to back that up?

15-20 minute read

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The labor questions no one talks about
Caroline Lengyel Caroline Lengyel

The labor questions no one talks about

What should I wear during labor? Do I need a doula? What does labor actually feel like? Read on for a discussion on the labor topics no one talks about.

8-10 minute read

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Miss F’s birth story
Caroline Lengyel Caroline Lengyel

Miss F’s birth story

Our firstborn entered this world through a fairly textbook unmedicated birth. Read on to hear how labor progressed for us and various decisions we faced along the way.

5-7 minute read

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Jump to the practical

While I like sharing the “why” behind my recommendations through the blog, sometimes I know it’s helpful to just jump straight to the
shopping lists and cheat sheets.